Email automation in a nutshell
Background, examples and advantages
If you’ve ever placed an order on Amazon, you must have noticed that the moment you add all your details and confirm your order, you’ll immediately receive an email thanking you for the order, including the summary of your order.
No matter what time it is or what time zone you’re in, Amazon never takes more than a minute to send you that email. Have you ever wondered how it’s so fast? Because it’s impossible to create and generate an email at this speed for a person sitting around the clock sending confirmation emails. This is done using email automation. Not only that, but based on your purchases, all the other emails you receive about different products and sales offers, these are all some of the best examples of email automation.
What is email automation?
In business terms, email automation is a marketing or sales tool that generates automated emails that are sent directly to people who may be interested in your business without having to do it manually each time. This interest is identified by examining the demographics of the individuals who have placed an order with you at least once and tracking who visited the Company’s landing page or website and for what purpose.
How does email automation work?
Email automation works when you link your business analytics to your email marketing tool that tracks people who have visited your website. Email automation uses cases based on your customers’ decisions, preferences, past purchases, and shopping behavior. Once an ideal case is identified, the email automation tool generates automated emails that are specifically tailored to the target customer.
Automating email notifications keeps your customers informed about their purchases, sends them recommendations and suggestions for future purchases, and sends them weekly or daily emails when they sign up to your mailing list.
It also sends a reminder message to those who added your products to the cart but never checked out, reminding them that their purchase is pending. All of these are some examples of how email automation works.
Why do you need email automation?
Email automation benefits businesses in ways you may not have thought of. Let us give you an overview of why email automation is important:
1. Build a strong business-customer relationship
It is a fact that most customers like to buy products from companies where they feel a sense of personalized relationship. This sense of personalization provides you with happy and satisfied customers and builds customer loyalty. Email automation triggers such relationships, and because it evaluates all customers differently based on their personal choices and interests, it generates personalized emails for all customers.
This brings two advantages, firstly, the customers feel cared for and feel a personalized relationship, and secondly, because of this feeling of personalized relationship, these customers keep coming back to you and in turn increasing your sales.
Research has shown that 90% of consumers are attracted to personalized content. They want something that makes them feel connected, rather than something that is just sold to them. That’s why we say: Don’t just sell, build relationships.
2. Reduces your employee costs
One of the biggest costs a company has to bear is the salaries or wages of its employees. That’s why companies are highly advised to keep their employees as low as possible, and email automation can help you do that.
The biggest advantage of email automation is that it is completely independent and automatically unfolds all its magic after the first push. You no longer need additional staff to generate emails, just one to monitor and execute the email automation process.
Just hire a single expert to take care of all your automation, set the criteria, give commands and instructions, and give you professional email automation tips to help you make it even better.
The criteria essentially act as triggers for email automation, such as .B a specific date, time, or message. For example, if a customer visits your website and makes a purchase, that purchase triggers your email automation tool to generate a thank you email to that customer for placing an order.
All in all, thanks to email automation, you no longer need manual support to perform such tasks.
3. Increase your sales team
One of the main reasons email automation matters to businesses is that it helps them nurture leads and build a better marketing strategy. But if you think email automation is just for marketing purposes, you’re wrong.
Sales and marketing are basically two ends of the same rope, but many companies don’t understand this connection. However, we want you to know that every marketing strategy you pursue affects your sales, including email automation.
Email automation empowers your sales team by providing them with details about what content has successfully caught consumers’ attention and what has failed. It basically leads your sales team with the right dos and don’ts of the company and lets them know what consumers like so they can come up with better ideas and strategies to increase sales.
4. Helps bring your customers back
One of the most effective email automation ideas is to keep your customers from hearing from you in order to bring them back to your business. There is a 25-30% chance that a customer will come back to you who has no contact with you. However, there is a 90% chance that a customer will return if you keep reminding them that you exist and that you have everything they need. Try to stay in touch with them by generating personalized emails.
Consider generating an email that says, “Hey David, I hope you’re fine, since we haven’t heard from you in a while, we thought you might want to know something about our 30% off offer. Also, we’ve now launched an updated version of the vacuum cleaner you got last time, we thought you might want to try this.”
Now this email will help you show David that you care enough about him, that you remember him and what he bought from you some time ago, and there is also a good chance that David will return to you because of the offer you just informed him about.
5. Generates higher revenue
The main goal of any business is to generate as much revenue as possible. What if we tell you that email automation can help you with that too? You’d think email automation is a marketing tool, but it’s not, it’s an all-rounder that can boost your business revenue.
Through automated emails, you can inform your customers about the offers and offers you run, you can get those who have subscribed to your newsletter to receive premium subscriptions, and you can add coupons and codes in your emails to entice customers to make purchases.
In short, you can design your email automation process to get your customer to spend more money. And there is an 80-85% chance that this technique will help you increase sales.
Let’s face it, how many times have you received McDonald’s just because of the notifications they emailed you? You lost the count, didn’t you? That’s the magic of email automation. Imagine how much revenue you’ve given McDonald’s, and then multiply it by the estimated number of subscribers that might receive those automated emails.
The key to take away!
Email automation is a process that helps businesses grow quickly and stably, and it has now become a must for any business to integrate it into its marketing strategy.
It’s no longer just a marketing tool of the past. With email automation, you can save some time because now you don’t have to worry about your customers staying engaged, your email automation tool will do it for you. You can spend that extra time planning more effective strategies to grow your business.
It works as a helping hand for all major companies, including Amazon, Apple, or even Tesla. All of these companies engage their customers by generating newsletters and automated emails using email automation. How else do you think the whole world knows when and where Tesla will launch a new product, or when Apple will launch a new iPhone?
The bottom line here is that as a company, you need to identify the true benefits of a tool you use to get as much as the benefits it has to offer.
Email automation helps your business grow, gives you better marketing strategies, guides your sales team to develop effective business strategies, creates brand loyalty, and most importantly, increases your sales.